On using banned book lists as a buyer’s guide and other subversive activities

Book banning is a hot topic with me because I’ve been on the receiving end of bans. Those occurrences happened in Oklahoma over 10 years ago when I lived there. To name just one example, in 2008 I was to have a one person art exhibit at the Oklahoma State Capital. More than a few of my paintings were banned from the Capital exhibit. I called my Tulsa Oklahoma gallery, Joseph Gierek Fine Art, to tell about being banned. The Gallery owner, Joe, said “Stay right there, I’ll come and pick them up!” Tulsa is about a 200 mile drive away from the Oklahoma Capital but Joe was there with his van in a trice. Then the Joseph Gierek Fine Art gallery did a special exhibit behind yellow caution tape in Tulsa and we called my one person exhibit “View At Your Own Risk” with a statement telling a bit about my work being banned. Oh my, was the Gierek Gallery brave! So that very weird experience of being banned turned out very well for me and for Joe!

After my spouse and I had newly relocated to Washington state I had an interview with the Caplan Art Designs Gallery. Having just moved I brought along to Caplan’s the finished artworks I had on hand which was some of my then recently banned-in-Oklahoma artwork. The Caplan Gallery immediately signed me up as a gallery artist and sold 4 of my paintings before the ink on my contract was dry! In Oklahoma my work had often been considered “subversive” or even “offensive” (there were a number of bans of and objections regarding my artwork) but in the Pacific Northwest my work – the very same artwork! – is considered “charming” and even “delightful” and “whimsical”. What a pleasant shift of perspective!

This painting below is one of my paintings that had been banned in Oklahoma but quite welcome in the Pacific Northwest. Allegedly this painting was banned in Oklahoma because of the semi nudity. 🙄 This photo is of the same banned art newly located in the Pacific Northwest where instead of offending adults it amused adults and children!! (Yes, I have found my happy place!!)

Child looking at artwork by Sue Clancy hanging at the Caplan Art Designs Gallery in Portland Oregon

More to the point of my blog post today – in 2010 the public library where we then lived in Oklahoma was going to display a few LGBTQ friendly books under glass deep inside in the library. It seemed like almost the entire town turned out to protest in a 4 hours long city council event. The majority of the speakers were vehemently homophobic. After the event one young gay person committed suicide. It was that vitriolic. After the event we contacted a realtor in Washington state and asked her to please find us a home and that we would even consider a hole in the ground with a tarp on it. We needed out! Long story short we, with the help of a wonderful realtor, found and bought our Washington house sight-unseen over the internet and within 6 months of that Oklahoma council meeting we had moved! One of the best things we ever did!! Being gay in Washington is no big deal at all! Also no big deal: being an artist, a book reader or being deaf.

Back to the present: This week since I was upset about all of the recent book banning I focused on making and sending cards to fellow book readers. You can see more about the cards on my Zazzle shop https://www.zazzle.com/collections/odd_greeting_cards_art_by_clancy-119338499337369594

I don’t for one minute think that every book has to resemble and reflect the superficial attributes of a reader in order to be a book worth reading. As an adult I enjoy reading work about, and by, people unlike me but I can see how it would help young people to be able once and a while to see, in a book, a superficial likeness of themselves. It helps to feel less alone, even safe, wanted and welcome somewhere – even if that place is in a book.

I went though my entire childhood – as an avid, dare I say obsessive, reader – never once reading about a gay deaf artistically inclined tomboy girl living primarily with her grandmother and enduring “visits to hell” with her abusive biological uber-religious parents.

The only deaf person I ever read about in a book was Helen Keller and that didn’t feel relatable to me.

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton was the first time I read of violence and family dysfunction happening to someone besides me and that was SO relatable – even though all of the characters were boys. That book helped me feel less alone then and I can still quote verbatim from that book today.

Judy Blume’s “Are You There God, It’s Me, Margaret” helped me address my confusion about cruelty/weirdness about bodies that was done in the name of religion.

I didn’t encounter a gay character in any book until I went to college in 1986 and read “Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit” by Jeanette Winterson which had been written in 1985. And that book felt like a welcome healing salve to my 18 year old psyche.

I could go on naming books – many of them now banned – that really helped me get through things as a young person. But I’m sure you’re getting the idea of why wide availability of books (and art) matters so much to me.

So naturally my spouse and I in response to the spate of book banning in 2022 went looking for lists of banned books so we could buy copies of those books. If you too want to use banned book lists as book buying recommendations 😁 Below are the lists we found.

Here are 50 books Texas banned from school libraries

A casual list of “interesting” banned books.

A more official list of banned books from the American Library Association that has several years worth of banned books listed.

A list of childrens books that have been banned

A juicy oh-so-delectible list of banned books for grownups at Powell’s one of my local Pacific Northwest independent bookstores. (I think most of my high school and college required reading is on this list!🤯)

I mentioned last post about Maus by Art Spiegelman being banned … well here is a great article about why that book is important and why it is shocking that, to quote from the article, “people could be more upset by mild profanity than they are by genocide.”

An article about book banning in Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee https://www.salon.com/2022/01/26/book-banning-heats-up-in-red-states/

And another article speculating about why book banning and even book burning has become “a thing” in late 2021 and early 2022.

There’s also an article about a Texas lawmaker who wants to ban and burn 850 book titles statewide… but enough of that.


When things begin to feel overwhelming I find it helpful to look for one specific thing I can do something about. This is in the vein of “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time”

Here’s an article we found about one specific library in Mississippi whose funding is being withheld by the mayor because he disapproves of some LGBTQ books. My wife and I chose this library and donated money. Then we spent time tweeting and sharing the info in hopes of getting more donations for them.


Here’s a portion of the letter we got after donating which has the libraries snail mail address if that is preferred.

Here’s a clickable online donation link https://www.fundlibraries.org/ridgelandbookbanning

Two days later we saw that they had achieved their funding goal with still more time to spare!!! We’re hoping even more donations will happen!

Since I took the above screenshot the Ridgeland Library has adjusted their goal upwards… and is reaching the new goal too!! Yippee!!! Click this link to see up-to-the-minute progress. I’ve been monitoring and boy is it fun to see the library succeed!!!

Anyway, for me public libraries are intimately interconnected with basic human rights. Images and words make up the human mind much like air and water make up the human body – we need trusted sources for all of these. Humans are social beings intertwined mentality and physically with the community around them. Here’s a poem that illustrates this idea that I have written off by hand and thumbtacked to my studio wall where I see it often.

And that’s why I make artist books. It’s my “why” for most of my creative efforts really. It’s part of why I feel it’s important to be a participant in a community of artists, writers and readers. It’s why having an egalitarian community – at least on the gallery walls and the library shelves matters so much to me.

Books and art are communal in nature and utilizing them often is part of being fully human within a community.

As an example of the interconnectedness of art and community: my newest childrens book “How The Cow Went Over The Moon and Tiny Notes For The Sun” began its life as rolled up paper that had been given to me by my friend Laurel, some sheet music given to me by my friend Patti Jo, some grey bookbinders board from Twinrocker and their archival glue www.twinrocker.com

I thought about my Vancouver USA downtown and how I love it that the 5 story library and the independent theatre are some of the tallest most iconic buildings. I also thought about the scrubjay blue birds that are native here.

Then I wondered just how did Mother Goose’s cow travel over the moon… and how do birds remember their songs?

The two handmade books were created first and then because I wanted my friends to be able to have copies if they want them I did booklayout and bookdesign to make printedbooks – those are available on demand here

Now Storyberries is distributing ebook versions of my book as two ebooks on their site!! You can see the bird here and the cow here on http://www.storyberries.com

Storyberries has even created a new book category for my work called “experimental art”!! Oh I’m gleefully looking forward to making more books for them to distribute!!!

So it can very truthfully be said that my new artistbook is a direct result of community !! Thank you all!! And I love you all too!! ❤🙌

I’ll repeat myself here because I am so excited and grateful to the Storyberries community for this new “experimental art books” category! Thanks for giving me such a valuable space to just be me! I’m so looking forward to sharing the fun of playing with imagination and creativity this way!

Speaking of imagination and being creative: there’s a wonderful article on creativity written by Luzemy Romero and Fleur Rodgers on Storyberries – and I have an illustration in it! But what’s fun is that these creativity tips the authors write about are things I do… Every. Single. Day!
Especially the reading part!!!
And if you go by chronological age I’m a grownup… so… the authors ideas apply to all ages. Anyway there are some really great creativity tips here

Here’s my illustration within the article by Gamboa and Rodgers and a bit of the article text. We need a wide variety of stories in order to practice flexibility in our thinking and creativity. A variety of material, some of it liked, some disliked, gives our minds something to respond to within our own creativity.

Also on the intersection of creativity and libraries there’s a fun article right here about an 8 year old who wrote and illustrated a handmade book and slipped it into the public library collection in Boise Idaho!

This week our copies of Maus by Art Spiegelman came by mail from one of our local bookstores Daedalus Books!

I had posted on my Instagram page that I was looking online at our local indiebookstores to see if anyone had Maus and didn’t see it – as they indicated sold put or it wasn’t listed. Well @daedalusbookspdx commented on my post that they didn’t have all of their books online but that they *did* have copies of Maus!!! So I called them immediately and bought the copies of Maus!

In the past when we’ve visited Daedalus Books in person I’ve relished their “books about books” section… While I had the store on the phone I named a price range and asked the store to pick a book for me from that section and include it with our Maus copies… I also asked that they *not* tell me what title they selected! I love a good book surprise!

Here in the photos below is my surprise book! It’s perfect!!! It’s a book about giftbooks – which is what I create!!! (See my portfolio page) I’m beyond happy with my surprise book! I immediately wrote a postcard to tell Daedalus thank you!!! Wow! What a treat!!! I am so glad Daedalus had copies of Maus too!!

The last photo has contact info for Daedalus…and as I’ve learned you can just call them up, ask politely and they’ll hand you a smile in the form of a book !! Wow!!!

So I made a big pot of vegetarian chili and we settled in to read! Here’s the recipe I used https://bluejeanchef.com/recipes/black-bean-mushroom-chili/

Come to think of it becoming a semi-vegetarian while in college in fried-meat-and-fried-potatoes Oklahoma was another, ahem, “interesting” experience. I’m not, and have never been, a strict vegetarian (I don’t want to be strict about anything) I just do like vegetables and well vegetarian meals frequently happen. But I remember accidentally shocking people in Oklahoma with vegetarian fare now and then. 🤷‍♀️

Back to the present yumminess… the mushroom chili was served in big mugs with crackers and a side of books to read. I’m lucky to have married a fellow avid book reader!

Here’s another favorite quote about books that I’ve handwritten and thumbtacked to my studio wall.

I hope your week is full of subversive literary, artistic and culinary delights and that you’re able to radically and wholeheartedly enjoy them!

See you next Monday.

34 responses to “On using banned book lists as a buyer’s guide and other subversive activities”

  1. This is a wonderful post. I used to teach university-level children’s lit and adolescent lit courses (to future teachers). I always did a unit on book censorship and would wear my Tshirt that listed famous banned books ;). What amazes me is how the same books keep showing up on the lists. The other thing that is important to know is that book banning “requests” come from the whole political spectrum. Sometimes people are shocked at what is being complained about because it wouldn’t even occur to them.


    1. Thank you for your kind comment!! I’m so glad you covered banned books in your course! Where else but educational settings can we learn how to cope with ideas, books etc that cause us discomfort? Learning how to deal well, how to examine your own thinking, to ask self hard questions, learn to articulate thoughts and otherwise grapple with uncertainty and discomfort is an essential skill for adult competence I think. To be a grownup and still hold a view of “That person, that idea, that thing, is different/difficult, I don’t like it and it should change to make me feel better” is utterly absurd. Might as well, as a child, shout, cry and try shut down a popular ice cream parlor simply because they serve a flavor you don’t like. A better response to learn would be to get the flavors you do like, accept that other people are getting flavors that they like – even if you don’t share their preference – and go on with your life.
      Anyhoo, thanks for reading and commenting!! ❤


    2. Sue, how you’ve expressed these ideas would make a fantastic starting point for a poster for Banned Books Week:

      “Where else but educational settings can we learn how to cope with ideas, books etc that cause us discomfort? Learning how to deal well, how to examine your own thinking, to ask self hard questions, learn to articulate thoughts and otherwise grapple with uncertainty and discomfort is an essential skill for adult competence.”

      Our community could all promote the hell out of it on our blogs and social media.


    3. Humm… you make a very good point. I could do something to put such a thought into practice… let me think on it. 😊 What a good notion you have! Thank you!!


    4. You’re welcome! I look forward to seeing what you come up with. (I know Charles French would love it!)


    5. Thank you!! I’ve written that phrase off onto a card and thumbtacked it to my studio wall… it’s a start! Thank you again for your encouragement!! I look forward to sharing whatever happens with both you and Charles!


    6. Whoo hoo!! 😀 😀 😀


    7. When I took a graduate education course in the mid-1980s, I did my research paper on censorship of books in the US public schools. I was shocked and appalled at what I found. If anything, it’s even worse now.


    8. Yes. Back in the late 1980’s I made a very large handmade book – made to resemble a leather bound dictionary with the fingertip tabs and all – that listed books that had been banned, where and why they were banned. I did a ton of research and I’ll bet we could have shared research notes! 🤣 Anyway that book I made titled – in gold leaf cursive – “Judge This Book” was itself banned in Okla but happily exhibited elsewhere! 🤣 But yes, as shocking as my research was then I too think it’s worse now. What I find so odd is that many of the same books get repeatedly banned in a zombie apocalypse repeating loop way. And in my less optimistic moments I keep thinking of how those of us who are educated in history are doomed to watch people around us repeat history adnausum without ever learning from it. But a good lunch and a chat with a friend like you restores my spirit. Thanks for your comment. ❤


    9. “Judge This Book” must have been really something!!


    10. It really was quite a project 🤣 … and long ago it found a happy home with a Dean of library science. 🤗 How perfect is that?!


    11. It couldn’t have been more perfect!!


  2. Thank you for this satisfying post of subversive literary delights!


    1. You’re so very welcome!!! Thank you for delighting in them with me!!


    2. You’re welcome, Sue!


  3. Oh! I meant to add that I can’t believe your work has been banned. I thought maybe your subject matter and style used to be radically different from what they are now. Banning a buffalo in a slip for semi-nudity? Seriously? What if the buffalo hadn’t been wearing any clothes at all?! :O


    1. It is still hard for me to believe it too . No, the work banned in Okla was the same subject matter and style as I do now. Much of my work was considered shocking and ban worthy in Oklahoma but the very same artwork elsewhere in the world was welcomed. In Oklahoma almost every exhibit I had would generate letters, emails etc telling me how I was horrible and corrupted. In the art openings I attended in person in Oklahoma at least once during the evening someone would approach me to tell me I needed to get right with god repent of my idolatry etc. I got very good at dealing with unpleasant people while under the public eye. 🤣
      And there were also people in Oklahoma who loved my work and welcomed me wholeheartedly – like I was an oasis for them too. Living in Oklahoma felt like emotional whiplash most of the time. I don’t miss it. I’m still in touch with the nice welcoming people there and I still try to cheer them.
      Anyway, about the buffalo in her slip… my wife and I speculated at the time of that art pieces banishment that what they probably really objected to was the big bold unapologetic brown-ness of the buffalo. Or perhaps just to the fact that the painter (me) was openly gay. But who knows really. I did do another painting of a large totally nude white mouse with the genital area descretely covered by a cloth, ala 19th cent old masters work,
      … that too was banned in Oklahoma for nudity but found a happy home via the Gierek gallery here on the West Coast. 😊


    2. My mind is boggling. Your work is so life-affirming!!! I’m glad you found a happy home where you are now.


    3. Thank you! The life-affirming part was what some of the people in Oklahoma found objectionable. In their religious viewpoint finding joy and humor in things of this world wasn’t a good thing. I got a 4 page handwritten letter from someone explaining this and their view that “graven images” were also unacceptable and that I should stop my art immediately. Other contact – emails etc – were along similar lines. My response, whenever someone told me this to my face, was “wow you seem really upset. I know you wouldn’t have created this work but it’s important to me.” And then I went on with my life. I learned that way of responding when I illustrated “Dr Bob’s Emotional Repair Program First Aid Kit” and it was helpful in extracting myself from such awkward conversations during art openings. I didn’t always respond well but when I was able to do so it helped!!
      And yes, I am extremely glad to be living where I am now!!!
      Thanks again!!


    4. How bizarre. My dad was an Episcopal priest, and one of the things I loved most about him was his sense humor and the delight he took in the world and the people around him. For him, “graven images” were the guns of war.

      I love your response to the haters. I would have burst into tears.


    5. I hear you! My adopted dad was a Methodist and my wife’s father was a Methodist minister and they shared your father’s views. What I experienced was from evangelical Southern Baptists in Oklahoma. There were plenty of people in Okla who didn’t share that view but the Baptists were the political power.
      My response to the haters was a learned one…there were plenty of tears at first…but I learned a response that helped me keep going!!


    6. That’s a wonderful learned respose to haters. I’ll have to remember it.


    7. That gave me a good chuckle, Liz. What if, indeed!!?


    8. Lol!!!! 🤣❤🙌


  4. Thanks for this great reminder of the importance of books and art and for your sharing your personal stories with us, Sue! I love the example of your banned artwork. My brain can hardly get around how that would be offensive enough to ban. Though nearly anything will offend somebody somewhere, I suppose. And that in itself is important to remember when starting down the road of banning things – the reasons never end, so before you know it we’d be banning nearly everything. I’d like to check out some of the articles you’ve pointed to, and I will when I have more time. Have a great week! ❤ -Sheri


    1. Thank you for your kind comment!! Yes, what you say is very true. It is good to practice I think, when someone is obviously enjoying wearing, seeing, eating, reading something that we don’t like to refrain from negative commentary even in our own heads and instead say “well, I’m glad they’re enjoying themselves” and go on with life. And it’s helpful also I think to vocally support, like and enjoy the things we do… to say to ourselves “well, it’s so nice to be enjoying myself” to turn to our partners and friends and say out loud when we find something pleasant “I’m really enjoying this…”
      I hope you’ll find the articles in my post interesting too when you come to them. Especially the one about the 8 year old who slipped their hand written and illustrated book into the public library collection! 🤣 I really got a grin from that one!!!
      Oh and the Mississippi public library reaching and surpassing their funding goals is so delightful!!! 🤗
      I hope your week is a good one too! Thanks again!! ❤


  5. Thanks for spreading the word about this, Sue. Not proud to say I live in Texas, although I know that everyone doesn’t feel this way. Good idea to put these out as book shopping lists:) I love your banned artwork, but the way!!!


    1. Thank you!! We have family and friends still living in Texas- and hear you loud and clear. My brother in law who lives in Texas had often said “bees, in order to thrive, need a wide variety of flowers … human’s need a wide diversity too”
      So glad you liked my artwork and my post! Please do your best to keep your spirits up and stay warm. ❤


    2. Working on it, Sue. Thank you and same to you!


  6. There is absolutely nothing funny about ignorance- and prejudice-fueled censorship but I must admit that I chuckled when you revealed that a bison in a slip was considered far too subversive for exhibiting in Oklahoma. Wow.

    Thank you for sharing your direct personal experience of why book banning does harm to people and why access to diverse representation in texts matters so much.


    1. So true what you say – nothing funny at all about ignorance and prejudice fueled censorship- but my bison being censored is (by now) too odd-weird-strange to not share because is so neatly illustrates the absurdity of censorship of works of art or literature. What is found censorship worthy in one place is found celebratory in another…so censorship only reduces local diversity of flowers (so to speak) and the bees simply have to fly farther to find what they need.
      Thank you for reading what I wrote and for your kind comment ❤


  7. […] box came in the mail this week from Vintage Books with the new banned books we’d ordered! My last post tells about our current quest to buy and read banned […]


  8. […] curiosity and the feelings of an aha moment are part of why I object so strongly to book banning (see a recent post). The attempts to control the mental resources available to others is a form of abuse. Banning […]
